Flowers and your flow
During your period you may find that you're smoking or consuming cannabis a lot more than you normally would on other days. You might be feeling like you're not getting high,
A Few Tips to help find the right doula for you.
You are pregnant, and that's amazing, wonderful and awesome. Pregnancy can be one of the most scary and exciting times of your life it's a time of tremendous change a time of growth.
Self-Care and cannabis consumption
Let me begin by saying this: Cannabis consumption is self-care; whether you wake and bake, have and bedtime blunt, or consume cannabis throughout your day, you are practicing self-care. The key is optimizing your cannabis use to meet your self- care needs.
Here is what I learned from 30 days of intentional self-care
Taking care of yourself can sometimes feel like a chore. Many of us have busy and full lives, and taking care of our needs tends to take a back seat to everything else. We only check in with ourselves when something goes wrong; whether it’s mentally or physically we don’t care for our needs with intention. This lack of attention/intention when it comes to maintaining ourselves; results in many feeling burnt out, exhausted, and just generally unhappy.
Let’s talk about intentional self-care
Self care with intention is about caring for yourself deliberately.
Self-Care and Motherhood: Cannabis Part 1
Motherhood is hard, yes i’m not even going to sugar coat it; Motherhood is H-A-R-D! It comes with challenges seen and unforeseen, and it can take years to find your footing. Learning to navigate the new world of not only caring for yourself, but also caring for a completely helpless blob of cuteness can feel damn near impossible. I joined the ranks of motherhood when I was 23 a young mother with no clue, simultaneously recovering from a very traumatic birth, I had no idea how to process, and learning how to be a mother. I suffered from Postpartum mood disorders for four years.